ADWAN stands for: Association for Digital Well-being and Neuro-education

Why? The dark future of iPad/smartphone and tablets kids

We need to recognise urgently what is happening to the natural and optimal development of our precious babies’ and toddlers’ brains and bodies when they are given screens to act as their babysitters.

Also to our older children and teenagers whose brains and bodies are not fully developed and matured enough to take responsibility for their choices, and deal with the consequences of what they are seeing, hearing, and doing in the virtual world. 

Important notes! 

• We at the TechnoLife Wise Foundation don’t support giving children their own mobile devices with access to the internet and social media (as recommended by our “Wait until Grade 8 Challenge” elsewhere on our TechnoLife Wise Foundation’s web page) before the minimum age of 13 years (as regulated by age restrictions for most of the social media platforms).
• We think that two hours of screen time per day for developing children’s brains and bodies is too much.
• We encourage the implementation of a No phones at school policy at primary and high schools.

Please watch the video clip on the homepage of the foundation’s website that gives perspectives from high school learners from Roosevelt High School.

• Children need to play and move and interact with real people in the real world to optimise their natural development and support creative learning opportunities.
• These natural development environments create wonderful learning opportunities that contribute towards the minimisation of neurological and learning development disorders, such as ADHD, Autism spectrum Disorder (ASD), Dyslexia, poor mental and physical health, and so forth.
• Our precious children are longing for high-quality time and interactions and the love of their parents and families (no phubbing, please).
• These real-life interactions will greatly help develop a wide variety of cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual skills that are crucial for thriving in our digital age with all its wonderful opportunities.
• They also want to interact with other adults and their peers to give them their undivided attention and valuable time in real life – e.g. eye-to-eye contact and without the distraction of screens in front or next to them.

Research already has confirmed that that a screen visible in your environment divides your attention. It also shows that your connection with your screen is more important than his or her time with you.

Please watch this WAKE-UP CALL video, reflect critically, rethink and re-evaluate your family environment. Start changing your and your families’ boundaries and behaviours where and when necessary.

• Also register to attend our launching event – complete the registration form below.

• Join our Association for Digital Well-being and Neuro-education (ADWAN) now.

We are here to assist and support you on your life-transforming journey towards a joyful and healthy-balanced real life for you and your family!


Dr Marlena Kruger

Dr. Marlena Kruger, the CEO and founder of MindUnique Education and its corporate social responsibility partner, the TechnoLife Wise Foundation, is a Digital Well-being and Neuro-integrative Health Coach, Trainer and Speaker.

The focus of her work is to empower parents, educators and children to go FORWARD TOGETHER! To rather put our phones and screens away and play joyfully together.  A holistic approach is crucial to protect and nurture our vulnerable children from babies, toddlers, as well as older children and screenagers (teenagers). Also, to develop our children’s unique potential optimally to flourish in our digital-driven world.

Dr Anke de Beer

Dr Anke de Beer is a respected speaker, researcher, consultant, and author on the pressing issues of technology and its devastating effects on mankind. She uses her extensive academic, professional knowledge and experience in the counseling room to help people understand and guide them in the use of digital media. She has worked with school organizations, churches, and law enforcement and has done a second PhD in Interdisciplinary studies. She runs a private counselling practice and counsel parents, leaders, pastors, teachers, and young people country wide while continuing her research and writing. Digital addiction is her passion and focus of her research and ministry.

Kerry Janse van Rensburg

Kerry Janse van Rensburg joined Project Exodus in 2018. Her academic qualifications, a BSc HDE in Psychology and Applied Mathematics, paved much of the way in her career, including being the principal of a small high school. It was, however, her personal life experiences motivated her move to Project Exodus. Kerry has a solid drive to ensure that awareness around the prevalence and problem of pornography increases; that conversations around Problematic Pornography Use are normalized; and that sustainable and effective recovery solutions are made accessible and available.

Mark Russell

Mark Russell, a Digital Wellness Consultant at TechBear Online, combines 4years of teaching experience with over two decades in Christian Ministry. He is adding an Addiction Recovery Coach qualification to his Theology degree. Mark focuses on empowering individuals and families to cultivate healthier digital habits through education and support services. With a comprehensive approach including group presentations, coaching sessions, and device management solutions, Mark and TechBear Online aim to prevent and address digital addictions such as pornography, gambling, gaming and social media while promoting resilience in the digital age. Mark is also a member of S.T.O.P (Standing Together to Oppose Pornography).

Clive Human

I have been involved with S.T.O.P. for the last 26 years and I have been its full time Director as a volunteer for the last 14 years. I facilitate a men’s support/accountability group in the southern suburbs of Cape Town which has been running for the last +24 years. I continue to offer advice and support to the many thousands of addicts and their families who have contacted us over the years.

I have debated and spoken on issues of pornography on radio and television and regularly been invited to address schools, colleges’, men’s groups as well as churches and other faith-based groups. We have collaborated with organisations such as ChildLine, STOP Trafficking, Doctors for Life, The Teddy Bear Clinic, Straatwerk, The Joseph Movement and many other NPO’s. I have also presented papers on pornography and the new media and its effects on children at three international conferences.

In the past we have worked in an advisory capacity with the Department for Home Affairs and with the Film and Publication Board. 


Click here to download the The International Children’s Declaration (ICD) document.


• A monthly newsletter focusing on a specific topic as part of the holistic and integrative approach of the Neuro Heroes programme for which families can enroll.
• A Question and Answer section where answers will be provided to questions sent in by members on screen time-related topics.
• A fun and games challenge for the coming month.
• Four tips to implement for every week of the coming month.

Membership fees

• An individual membership fee of R300 for 6 months, payable once off with Payfast.
• An individual annual fee of R500, payable annually by 20 January of each year, with Payfast.
• An organisation’s annual fee of R1 800, payable on registration, with Payfast.


To activate your membership, please make payment via payfast at the bottom of the page and email your proof of payment to

If you want to donate more than the R500 that serves as the annual membership fee, please send an email to the same address to request an Art 18A certificate for the additional amount.

If you Have Any Questions Email Us

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